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Tim Seyde

I am a final-year PhD student at MIT CSAIL advised by Professor Daniela Rus. My research focus is on sample-efficient learning for robot control based on concepts from model-based exploration, architecture simplification, and compositionality. Before joining MIT, I obtained a BSc in Mechanical Engineering and an MSc in Robotics and Control from ETH Zurich under supervision of Professor Marco Hutter. Throughout my studies, I had the opportunity of various research stays and internships in legged robotics as well as learning control, and was fortunate to learn from many brilliant mentors.


fast-texture fast-texture fast-texture fast-texture
PhD student
ETH Zurich
MSc Robotics
University of Tokyo
Visiting student
ETH Zurich
BSc MechE
fast-texture fast-texture fast-texture fast-texture
Research Scientist Intern
IHMC Robotics
Research Intern
PAL Robotics
Research Intern
DLR Robotics
Research Intern

I'm interested in reinforcement learning, motion planning, and control. I'm particularly excited about application in (legged) robotics, leveraging learning-based approaches to unlock capabilities that prove challenging for traditional methods.

fast-texture Growing Q-Networks: Increasing Control Reolution via Decoupled Action Masking
Tim Seyde, Peter Werner, Wilko Schwarting, Markus Wulfmeier, Daniela Rus
Preprint, 2023

Summary: we combine the benefits of coarse exploration during learning and smooth control at convergence by growing action spaces via decoupled Q-learning.

fast-texture Competitive Multi-Team Behavior in Dynamic Flight Scenarios
Tim Seyde, Mathias Lechner, Joshua Rountree, Daniela Rus
Preprint, 2023

Summary: we leverage a hierarchical policy design for multi-team dynamic flight control, enabling high-level strategic coordination via distributional decoupled RL.

fast-texture Gigastep - One Billion Steps per Second Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning
Mathias Lechner, Lianhao Yin, Tim Seyde, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Wei Xiao, Ramin Hasani, Joshua Rountree, Daniela Rus
NeurIPS, 2023

Summary: we present Gigastep, a fully vectorized JAX-based MARL environment that features high-dimensional 3D dynamics, heterogeneous agent types, stochasticity, and partial observation.

fast-texture Dynamic Multi-Team Racing: Competitive Driving on 1/10-th Scale Vehicles via Learning in Simulation
Peter Werner*, Tim Seyde*, Paul Drews, Thomas Balch, Igor Gilitschenski, Wilko Schwarting, Guy Rosman, Sertac Karaman, Daniela Rus
CoRL, 2023 + [Best paper award] ICRA Workshop on Multi-Robot Learning, 2023

Summary: we deploy a hierarchical RL agent in multi-team racing scenarios on scale-car hardware, combining decoupled SARSA for team-centric strategic reasoning with continuous PPO for ego-centric low-level decision making.

fast-texture Solving Continuous Control via Q-learning
Tim Seyde, Peter Werner, Wilko Schwarting, Igor Gilitschenski, Martin Riedmiller, Daniela Rus, Markus Wulfmeier
ICLR, 2023

Summary: we show that DQN combined with value decomposition and bang-bang action space discretization yields performance competitive with recent model-free and model-based actor critic algorithms when training from features or raw pixels.

fast-texture Interpreting Neural Policies with Disentangled Tree Representations
Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Wei Xiao, Tim Seyde, Ramin Hasani, Daniela Rus
[Oral presentation] CoRL, 2023

Summary: we analyze how decision trees based on logic programs extracted from a compact bio-inspired model architecture can help interpretable decision making.

fast-texture Cooperative Flight Control Using Visual-Attention - Air-Guardian
Lianhao Yin, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Makram Chahine, Tim Seyde, Mathias Lechner, Ramin Hasani, Daniela Rus
IROS, 2023

Summary: we investigate a parallel autonomy system for flight based on attention map mismatches with a bio-inspired policy architecture.

fast-texture Neighborhood Mixup Experience Replay: Local Convex Interpolation for Improved Sample Efficiency in Continuous Control Tasks
Ryan Sander, Wilko Schwarting, Tim Seyde, Igor Gilitschenski, Sertac Karaman, Daniela Rus
L4DC, 2022

Summary: we investigate replay memory interpolation as a data augmentation technique for improving data efficiency of reinforcement learning agents.

fast-texture Autonomous Flight Arcade Challenge: Single-and Multi-Agent Learning Environments for Aerial Vehicles
Paul Tylkin, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Tim Seyde, Kyle Palko, Ross Allen, Alexander Amini, Daniela Rus
AAMAS Extended Abstract, 2022

Summary: we propose a suite of challenging problems to test agents in autononmous flight scenarios towards guardian autonomy systems.

fast-texture Interpretable Autonomous Flight Via Compact Visualizable Neural Circuit Policies
Paul Tylkin, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Kyle Palko, Ross Allen, Ho Chit Siu, Daniel Wrafter, Tim Seyde, Alexander Amini, Daniela Rus
IEEE RAL, 2022

Summary: we show how a bio-inspired model architecture yields compact policies for solving autonomous flight scenarios.

fast-texture Is Bang-Bang Control All You Need? Solving Continuous Control with Bernoulli Policies
Tim Seyde, Igor Gilitschenski, Wilko Schwarting, Bartolomeo Stellato, Martin Riedmiller, Markus Wulfmeier, Daniela Rus
NeurIPS, 2021

Summary: we show that several recent actor critic algorithms yield competitive performance when only considering bang-bang policy heads and discuss implications for agent and benchmark design.

fast-texture Strength Through Diversity: Robust Behavior Learning via Mixture Policies
Tim Seyde, Wilko Schwarting, Igor Gilitschenski, Markus Wulfmeier, Daniela Rus
CoRL, 2021

Summary: we leverage a hierarchical model over diverse low-level policy architectures to transfer the burden of hyperparameter selection from the engineer to the agent.

fast-texture Learning to Plan Optimistically: Uncertainty-Guided Deep Exploration via Latent Model Ensembles
Tim Seyde*, Wilko Schwarting*, Sertac Karaman, Daniela Rus
CoRL, 2021

Summary: we leverage a latent model ensemble to compute an upper confindence bound objective over predicted returns to guide exploration in continuous control from pixels.

fast-texture Deep Latent Competition: Learning to Race Using Visual Control Policies in Latent Space
Wilko Schwarting*, Tim Seyde*, Igor Gilitschenski*, Lucas Liebenwein, Ryan Sander, Sertac Karaman, Daniela Rus
CoRL, 2020

Summary: we leverage self-play in latent space with a world model that estimates opponent behavior to generate competitive racing maneuvers.

fast-texture Learning to Plan via Deep Optimistic Value Exploration
Tim Seyde*, Wilko Schwarting*, Sertac Karaman, Daniela L Rus
L4DC, 2020

Summary: we learn a value function that represents an upper confidence bound over expected returns to guide exploration in continuous control from features.

fast-texture Locomotion Planning through a Hybrid Bayesian Trajectory Optimization
Tim Seyde, Jan Carius, Ruben Grandia, Farbod Farshidian, Marco Hutter
ICRA, 2019

Summary: we solve a mixed-integer gait planning problem for a single-legged hopper by learning footstep selection with a Gaussian process, and using this to constrain a low-level trajectory planner.

fast-texture Inclusion of Angular Momentum During Planning for Capture Point Based Walking
Tim Seyde, Apoorv Shrivastava, Johannes Englsberger, Sylvain Bertrand, Jerry Pratt, Robert J Griffin
ICRA, 2018

Summary: we augment a capture-point based walking controller to account for swing-leg angular momentum during reference trajectory planning and show improved locomotion capabilities with an Atlas humanoid robot.

fast-texture Good Posture, Good Balance: Comparison of Bioinspired and Model-Based Approaches for Posture Control of Humanoid Robots
Christian Ott, Bernd Henze, Georg Hettich, Tim Seyde, Máximo A Roa, Vittorio Lippi, Thomas Mergner
IEEE RAM, 2016

Summary: we implement a bio-inspired modular posture controller and compare to model-based control on disturbance compensations tasks with the TORO humanoid.

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